RING OF GRIM by Grim Hustle

Ring of Grim Logo

Value driven: for achievers, by achievers.

Grim Mouse
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Ring Of Grim

Physical, not digital.

Tough experiences, stronger connections.

Not the digital, but the physical will make you stronger and create real bonds. Our RING OF GRIM Expeditions expand your skill level, push your comfort zone, and build connections to last a lifetime.

Events and expeditions every month worldwide.

Learn a new skillset at each event.

Build real bonds.

The Ring of Grim members. High-achievers x old values.

1 %

Founders / entrepreneur

1 %


1 %

Artists and athletes

1 %

Doctors, lawyers, professors

At Ring of Grim you will find top-notch developers, entrepreneurs, investors, creatives, doctors, lawyers, professors and much more. High-achievers commited to a value set. Be honorable.

Notable Ring of Grim members

Grow with Mentors.

Grim Members talking

RING OF GRIM members mentor each other. They coach each other. They grow together. They keep each other accountable. On a regular basis. All included in the membership at the RING OF GRIM.





With mentors from


Fields of life

Weekly Sessions
Monthly Sessions

With mentors from

fields of life

From personal to psychological to financial freedom.

Grim Hustle Golden Key

If you serve your fellow people you will be going up the ranks. With each rank a new Gate of knowledge opens up. Each gate will make you more Independent. Best practices, tools, and contacts in hands-on workshops by high-profile Grims.

12 ranks

12 knowledge gates of independence

Go back in history.

The secret societies of success.

No influential man in history became exceptional alone. From George Washington to George Bush to Jeff Bezos. They all have been part of a powerful invite-only network. From the Masons, to Skull and Bones, to Tau Beta Pi. Only a powerful network will open all doors.

Skulls and Bones JFK

Most global networks have lost their values. Not this one.

Logo 1 inverted 2 1 - RING OF GRIM Ring of Grim



Freedom of speech

Libertarian mindsets

Secure data and privacy


At Ring Of Grim Values create values. We are the only top network in the world which emphasizes values. Personal freedom, a set of shared values and financial freedom is are what we stand for, and what this chained world needs.

43 countries

members base

7+ Chapters

New York, Berlin, Munich, Geneva, London, Atlanta, Amsterdam


acceptance rate


Mistral Capybara - Hermes

- AI power knowledge base


physical events and expeditions per year

4 core values

Personal growth, reliability,

independence and mentorship

43 countries

members base

7+ Chapters

New York, Berlin, Munich, Geneva, Zurich, Trondheim, Amsterdam


acceptance rate


Mistral Capybara - Hermes - AI power knowledge base


physical events and expeditions per year

4 core values

Personal growth, reliability, independence, and mentorship

What makes Ring of Grim members so powerful.

Most members clubs will accept anyone who offers money and clout. They don’t care about values. But only when you have aligned values, you will have a tight network, loyalty, and reliability. We select only those who have matching values, we test our applicants and then offer full members “The Favor of Honor.”

invite-only equals

3x better

member quality

merit-based ranks equal

4x higher

member-to-member loyalty

Member testimonials.

I jumped into the GRIM because I knew that was the time and I wanted to get rid of this kind of sadness that was constantly running through me.”

Pierre, Entrepreneur

“Grim gave me many new friends, new connections, new experiences in just a short time.”

Oskar, Nutritionist

The concept of fraternity is an ancient tradition going back thousands of years, and it’s still alive today in many communities around the world. I’ve had the luck to land here, and it’s been a great blessing.”

Chris, Entrepreneur

The Ring of Grim tools. Designed to connect you to the best.

Grim Google Calender

The RING OF GRIM is designed to let you connect directly with like-minded high-achievers who share your values and will grow, found businesses and help each other. Our tech tools empower values, personal development and accountability.

Shown above: regular calendar dates with other Grims and GRIM Global Group

Local ROG chapters.

Grim Hustle Chapter Montenegro
Grim Hustle Chapter Berlin
Grim Hustle Chapter Mexico

The power of a global network is concentrated in their local ROG chapters. As a member you can open one or join an existing one.

Current chapters in

Berlin, London, New York, Northeast US, Southeast US, Switzerland, Southern Germany, Netherlands



Global events per year.



Locals events in each chapter.

The power of a global network is concentrated in their local ROG chapters. As a member you can open one or join an existing one.

Current chapters in

Berlin, London, New York, Northeast US, Southeast US, Switzerland, Southern Germany, Netherlands



Global events per year.



Locals events in each chapter.

We follow old values.

Contrary to the woke agenda we follow conservative values. Reliability. Personal growth. Integrity. Responsibility. We have each others back, in good times, as in bad times. The RING OF GRIM Council watches over that.

Secure infrastructure on our own servers.

100% members reliability.

Merit based ranks.

If you are considering to apply

Minimum age 30 with rare exeptions.

7-day money back guarantee.

No questions asked.

Absolute confidentiality ensured, if needed.

If you want to apply or have questions.

Frequently asked questions:

I don't make millions, is this for me?

Even though we have dozens of millionaires and even two billionaires in our ranks, money is just an illusion. What matters is your commitment consistency and accountability. Will you take responsibility for your life and for your people?

Can anybody join?

No, if anybody could join, this would not be a powerful network. We conduct face-to-face interviews by our top members to make sure the people applying are a good fit. However, the application is of course open to men and women of all ethnicities and religious beliefs.

What does it cost?

Unlike other member private members clubs like The Core Club or Soho House, you pay no entrance fee. Our bi-annual contribution ranges from $499 to $1399. For $1399 it includes all accommodation and masterclass costs for our luxurious 6-day main event.

What are some more practical benefits of this Club?

You want to open businesses worldwide? Want to tax-optimize? Look for a new passport or residencies in safe countries? Want to invest into new asset classes and receive unbiased advice by those who have experience? Want to relocate your family? You need high-level medical advice? We have lawyers, doctors, professors, artists, athletes, and global entrepreneurs in GRIM, in 32+ different countries.

How many members do you have?

We opened up in September 2023. We have so far received 4800 applications, interviewed 530 people, and accepted 122 members in 32 different countries.

I am only a beginner, can I still join?

No, you cannot. Most of our members are of 35 years and older, but we do have a few younger members too. We encourage those people to apply who are domain experts in their field and have been working in it for at least five years. RING OF GRIM is powered by meritocracy.

I don't have time for RING OF GRIM.

It does not matter if you devote 2 hours per week to Grim or 20. You will get a lot out of it because you enter a network of liability, loyalty, and high-level contacts.

Can I cancel?

Anytime. There is no minimum commitment period. In addition, you have a 7-day free period.

Do you accept criminals or criminal activity?

No criminals are accepted, and no criminal activity will be supported or allowed. The mention of "Mafia" for us is just a metaphor for being critical—yet law-abiding—of the system.

What is the long term vision of RING OF GRIM?

Many modern systems are broken. Global health, food, education - and governing everything - the global monetary system. RING OF GRIM is a powerful members network with massive media syndication - and we will use our reach, our resources, and our combined skill sets to bit by bit build new, better systems, spearheaded by the GRIM Micro-Economy.


The steps of freedom.

This is the true power of RING OF GRIM. Which each rank that you aquire at GRIM you pass through a new Knowledge Gate. Here are the 12 GRIM Gates:

Grim Key

1. Self-discipline is the foundation of freedom – the toolset of highly productive people.

Grim Key

2. Navigating conservative and traditional medicine – freedom from the global “health” system.

Grim Key

3. Preserve your digital freedom – the toolset for personal data managemet and more anonymity.

Grim Key

4. Founding is freedom – the toolset for building a lean startup.

Grim Key

5. Family and love are freedom – the toolset for long-lasting partnerships.

Grim Key

6. Passive income is freedom – the toolset for diverse and growing wealth.

Grim Key

7. The real estate investor toolbox – owning and letting homes builds freedom for generations.

Grim Key

8. Resource self-sufficiency is freedom: water and food, electricity and energy and education.

Grim Key

9. Freedom for your family and your assets all over the world – residency permits, passports, holding structures, and foundations in safe jurisdictions.

Grim Key

10. Your own ecosystem means freedom for all: the cooperative as the most solid form of freedom and asset protection.

a gold and silver key with an hourglass in the center

11. Securing the future of the family after you have passed – legacy is freedom.

Grim Key

12. Transcendence is ultimate freedom – mastering spirituality with an eternal beginners mind.

All done.
With the power of honor.

Big house

Want to securely invest into real estate globally?

Over 100 of our members own real estate in over 60 countries. Wherever you want to buy, we have Grims there who have done so before, and will advise you and give you all the contacts – from notaries to lawyers – so that you get the best deal and won’t get ripped off.

Estonian e-resident

Want to set up a tax-free business in Estonia?

Grims who are based in Estonia will guide you through the process of getting the e-residency, opening a company and finding the right accountant, that you can trust. All based on their best practices. And all for free.

Enganement Ring

Your marriage is crumbling and you need man-to-man advice on what to do?

We have members who have gone through divorces, as well as members who have been happily married for 30+ years. Ask them anytime to get their guidance.

Back to School

You want to unplug your children from the matrix of the public school system?

No matter whether you are in South America, US, Asia or Germany – Grims have best practises on homeschooling their children, while ensuring they get everything they need to then ohne “then” get to top-notch universities.


You have been screwed by the local doctors and now need unbiased medical advice?

We have doctors and professors in RING OF GRIM from a wide range of medical fields who will give you advice, free of charge. One Grim helps the next.


You need to get really in shape and no workout has really produced the right results?

We have high-end workout trainers in RING OF GRIM who have trained actors to get in shape within 3 months. They are happy to help you, all included in the membership.